TexStyles® NatureSeries™ Soft Knit
TexStyles® NatureSeries™ Soft
Knit is a revolutionary new line of fabrics made with cutting-edge sustainable technology - CiCLO® Fibers.
- Wrinkle-Resistant
- Natural White Point
- Vivid Color Reproductions
- Available in Direct to Fabric Finish
構築 –ニット
糸 – 98% Poly, 2% CiCLO
重量オンス/ヤード2 – 5.4
印刷プロセス – DYE-SUB: Transfer-DIRECT
アプリケーション – Frontlit Digital Imaging, Soft Signage, Retail POP/POS Displays, Interior Decor, Table Covers, Exhibition Graphics

Did you know?
- 35% of microplastics entering the ocean come via synthetic materials.
- 44 million pounds of synthetic textiles end up in U.S. landfills each day.
- More than 15 million tons of used textile waste is generated each year in the United States, and the amount has doubled over the last 20 years.
- Fabrics made with CiCLO® fibers and yarn reduce the persistence of plastic microfiber pollution in our oceans and synthetic textile accumulation in landfills.

Frequently Asked Questions
How do CiCLO® fibers reduce plastic pollution?
CiCLO fibers reduce plastic pollution in two ways:
Fabrics made from polyester, nylon, and many other synthetics are actually plastic. As with almost all fabrics, they can shed small fibers, known as microfibers, when worn and washed. These plastic fibers are very small, difficult to recover, and wind up in our oceans. Most plastic doesn’t naturally biodegrade, but fibers made with CiCLO® will eventually biodegrade in seawater just like wool would. Unfortunately, mass apparel recycling is not available today and most of it is thrown away when no longer wanted, piling up in landfills. Like in seawater, fibers made with CiCLO® will eventually biodegrade in landfill conditions.
Are CiCLO® fibers less durable or will they biodegrade
while they are being worn or used?
CiCLO® fibers have no impact other than to allow the microbes that naturally exist in the environment to be able to biodegrade the material just like they do for natural materials like wool. The biodegradation process takes a long time and will not happen during use or care just like wool doesn’t biodegrade during use or care.
*Sources: International Union for Conservation of Nature, Parkdale
Mills, and United States Environmental Protection Agency